
Aryuter's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 1 (From 1 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 25 Points


Medals Earned: 1/18 (25/375 points)

Hard - Surround 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the surround plant.

Easy - Surround 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the surround plant.

Easy - Line 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the line plant.

Easy - Jump 5 Points

Finish an easy level using the jump plant.

Perfect Easy - Surround 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the surround plant.

Perfect Easy - Line 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the line plant.

Perfect Easy - Jump 10 Points

Gain 6 points on an easy level using the jump plant.

Medium - Surround 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the surround plant.

Medium - Line 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the line plant.

Medium - Jump 10 Points

Finish a medium level using the jump plant.

Perfect Medium - Surround 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the surround plant.

Perfect Medium - Line 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the line plant.

Perfect Medium - Jump 25 Points

Gain 15 points on a medium level using the jump plant.

Hard - Line 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the line plant.

Hard - Jump 25 Points

Finish a hard level using the jump plant.

Perfect Hard - Surround 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the surround plant.

Perfect Hard - Line 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the line plant.

Perfect Hard - Jump 50 Points

Gain 28 points on a hard level using the jump plant.